πŸ“š Week 03 Lab - Preparation

2024/25 Winter Term


Before coming to the πŸ’» Week 03 lab, please complete the following preparation tasks:

  1. Open the VSCode terminal or your Mac terminal/Windows command and install the new packages we will use in this lab by running one of the following commands:
    conda install scikit-learn statsmodels
    conda update scikit-learn statsmodels


    pip install -U scikit-learn statsmodels
  1. Review the πŸ’» Week 02 lab and the βœ… solutions and ensure you understand the code we wrote. Post a message on the #help channel on Slack if you have any questions about the Week 02 lab.

  2. Click the link below to download the .ipynb file we will use in this lab. Save it in the DS202W folder you created last week.

  1. Open this file on VSCode, look at the Loading libraries and functions section in the file and make sure that you have all the libraries to be loaded in that section installed.

  2. Download the dataset we will use for this lab, which is a dataset adapted from Wave 7 of the World Values Survey (Haerpfer et al. 2022). Use the link below to download this dataset:

Put this file in the data folder within your DS202W folder.

  1. Look at what you will be doing in the πŸ’» Week 03 lab, so you are not caught off guard!


Haerpfer, Christian, Ronald Inglehart, Alejandro Moreno, Christian Welzel, Kseniya Kizilova, Jaime Diez-Medrano, Marta Lagos, Pippa Norris, Eduard Ponarin, and Bi Puranen. 2022. β€œWorld Values Survey Wave 7 (2017-2022) Cross-National Data-Set.” World Values Survey Association. https://doi.org/10.14281/18241.20.