✅ Week 04 Lab Solution
Cleaning and transforming data with pandas

The solution
I have uploaded the solution to the 💻 W04 Lab to our shared GitHub repository, lse-ds105/ds105a-2024.
Alternatively, just click on the button below to download the NB00 - Preprocessing.ipynb
notebook directly:
While reading the solutions, you will find that I have included some additional explanations and comments to each line of code. I hope you find them useful.
The solving process
Perhaps more important than the solution itself is the process of solving the lab exercises. The process of solving the lab exercises is a crucial part of the learning process. It is through the process of solving problems that we learn the most.
I have uploaded the Loom video below describing how I would approach solving this exercise. Feel free to add comments directly to the video or to send me your questions on Slack if anything is unclear.
If you have any questions, please ask them on the course’s Slack channel or attend a support session. Check the 📔 Syllabus for date and time of support sessions this week.