📝 W03 Formative Exercise: Paths, Files, and APIs in the Terminal


02 February 2025

🎯 Learning Goals
By the end of this exercise, you will: 1) Master file system concepts through an interactive London-based game, 2) Navigate directories confidently using essential Terminal commands, 3) Further explore JSON structure by fetching and manipulating API data, 4) Practice professional file documentation and organisation techniques, and 5) Create a comprehensive learning notebook that consolidates Terminal, Python, and file handling skills.
Icon representing the themes of data transformation and insight discovery.


Duration 3-4 hours. This week’s content is a bit more demanding!
📂 Folder to Use in Nuvolos Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure/
💎 Key Learning Concept How to specify locations of files and how to read/write them

💡 Learning Together:

This week’s exercise will be more demanding than the previous ones, and it’s completely natural to hit roadblocks. This is good - it means you’re learning! We expect you to encounter random errors, and we encourage you to:

  1. Read error messages carefully - they often contain helpful clues
  2. Try to solve the problem yourself first using what you’ve learned
  3. Post in the #help channel on Slack if you get stuck after trying

Posting your questions on Slack:

  • Helps others who might have the same issue
  • Creates opportunities for peer learning
  • Builds our course community
  • Often leads to faster solutions than struggling alone

Remember to include what you’ve tried and any error messages you see!

Part 1: Exploring Paths with “Shell-it: The London Episode”

Before diving into Terminal commands, let’s experience how paths work in a fun and interactive way.


  1. Play “Shell-it: The London Episode for at least 10 locations.

  2. Observe: Each landmark has an absolute and relative path—just like files on your computer.

  3. Reflect: How is navigating in this game similar to moving through folders in a real file system?

  4. Take a screenshot of your final location in the game and upload it to Nuvolos, under the folder Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure. This will show us that you know how to handle and organise files.

🏁 Checkpoint

Before jumping into the Nuvolos Terminal, take one minute to reflect on what you just learned from the Shell-it game.

Write a brief reflection on your experience with the game. This can be a few sentences or bullet points and there are no wrong/right notes here. The idea is just to get you thinking about how the game relates to navigating files on a computer.

Part 2: Navigating the File System in Nuvolos Terminal


  1. Open VS Code. Access Nuvolos, locate the Applications Tab Icon Applications tab on the left and click on the Terminal application.

    You will learn more about what a Terminal truly is in the 🗣️ W03 Lecture. For now, think of it as a low-level way (closer to the computer’s way of ‘seeing’ things than mouse interactions and click and dragging) to interact with files and folders on a computer. Play with the Terminal from inside Nuvolos and then try to open a Terminal on your computer, too.

  2. Check where you are: Whenever you open a Terminal, you are always in a specific folder. To check where you are, type:


    On Nuvolos, you should be in /files/ by default. This is the “home” folder for your individual files and folders.

  3. See what’s inside: To see what’s inside a folder, type:


    This will list all the files and folders in your current location.

    You can also pass parameters to customise how ls behaves (and in fact, most commands in the Terminal can be customised with parameters). For example, ls -l will give you a more detailed list of files and folders, including their permissions and sizes. Use the following command to get a detailed view of everything inside the current folder, with colours:

    ls -lth --color

    Learn more about the individual parameters by visiting this link.

  4. Enter a folder: To move into a folder, use the cd command you learned in the game.

    First, let’s see what happens when we do it wrong. Run the following command :

    cd Week 02 - Python Collections & Loops

    You’ll get an error! The Terminal thinks Week, 02, -, Python, etc., are separate arguments.

    To fix this, “escape” the spaces by wrapping the folder name in quotes:

    cd "Week 02 - Python Collections & Loops"

    Try running ls now to see the contents of your current folder!

🧐 Why does this happen?

  • The Terminal reads everything separated by spaces as a new argument.
  • Wrapping it in "quotes" tells the Terminal, “this is one single thing”.
  1. Navigate to this week’s folder: Use what you know to go to this week’s exercise, “Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure”.

  2. Create a data folder. We want to keep things organised and sub-folders are a great way to do that. Inside the “Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure” folder, create a new folder called data:

    mkdir data
    • Check that the folder was created by running ls.
    • Whenever you download data or create new files this week, keep it in this specific folder.

    Your Nuvolos workspace should now look like this:

    ├── Week 01 - Python Foundations/
    ├── Week 02 - Python Collections & Loops/
    └── Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure/
        └── data/                  # ← You just created this!

📝 Take Notes Your Way:

As you learn these new Terminal commands, take notes in whatever format works best for you. You could:

  • Use nano in the Terminal to create a markdown file (say, at a terminal_notes.md).
  • Write in your preferred note-taking app
  • Keep a physical notebook

The key is to document:

  • What each command does
  • When to use quotes with cd
  • What the -lth --color parameters mean
  • Common gotchas you encountered

Later, in Part 5, we’ll transfer these notes to a Jupyter notebook.

Part 3: Fetching and Saving API Data with curl

Last week, you learned to collect data from the Internet using APIs. We used Python for it, with the requests library. This week, we will use a different approach: the curl command in the Terminal. curl is essentially a different app altogether that sole’s purpose is to fetch data from the Internet. It is very powerful and can be used to interact with APIs, download files from websites, and more.


  1. Navigate to inside the data/ folder you created:

    That is, your pwd should be /files/Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure/data/.

  2. Use curl to fetch JSON data from Open-Meteo:

    curl -o london_forecast.json "https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?latitude=51.5085&longitude=-0.1257&daily=temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min&timezone=Europe%2FLondon"
  3. Verify that the file was created. (Use ls to check.)

    You should see london_forecast.json in the directory.

  4. Peak inside the file. Your terminal comes with another app/command called cat that can be used to print out the contents of a file. It’s kind of similar to print() in Python, but it works from the Terminal and prints out the contents of a file. Try it out:

    cat london_forecast.json

    This will show you the raw JSON data that was fetched from the API. This is just a printout, though. You see the content of the string that is stored in the file, you are not working with the 0’s and 1’s that are actually stored on the disk.

  5. How to edit a file from the terminal:

    Let’s say you wrote a file yourself or you don’t like how the file above is organised. You can use the nano command to edit the file. Try it out:

    nano london_forecast.json
Is nano not working?

The nano command should already be installed on your Nuvolos environment. If it’s not, you can install it by running:

conda install --channel conda-forge nano -y

This will launch a plain text editor. It’s like a dinossaur version of a Google Docs/MS Word/VS Code text editor. You can use the arrow keys to move around, and you can use the keyboard to type.

Importantly: to exit nano, you need to press Ctrl + X. It will ask you if you want to save the changes you made. If you do, press Y. If you don’t, press N. If you want to save the changes to a different file, press Ctrl + O and then Enter.

Open the file, add a little space at the end of the file, and save it. Then, use cat to see the (small) change you made.

  1. (Optional) Make the JSON pretty. If, like me, you find it sad that this JSON file is all clumped together in a single line, you can always clean it up a bit.

    Use nano to open the file and then manually edit the file so that the end result looks like this:

        "latitude": 51.5,
        "longitude": -0.120000124,
        "generationtime_ms": 0.06091594696044922,
        "utc_offset_seconds": 0,
        "timezone": "Europe/London",
        "timezone_abbreviation": "GMT",
        "elevation": 23.0,
        "daily_units": {
            "time": "iso8601",
            "temperature_2m_max": "°C",
            "temperature_2m_min": "°C"
        "daily": {
            "time": [
            "temperature_2m_max": [7.6, 8.4, 10.3, 8.7, 7.3, 6.5, 5.4],
            "temperature_2m_min": [0.7, -0.4, 5.8, 2.7, 1.9, 1.0, 0.2]

    At the end, save the output to a separate file called formatted_london_forecast.json when exiting nano.

    This is a silly but a very useful exercise to get exposure and practice with the Terminal. This dark screen can be intimidating at first, but it’s a very powerful tool that can be used to do a lot of things very quickly.

Part 4: Reading JSON in Python (Directly from Terminal)

In this course so far, you have used Dataquest own’s platform to write Python code and for code we wrote by ourselves, we used Jupyter Notebooks from within the VS Code application.

In reality, though, VS Code (and Jupyter Notebook) is running Python in the background. If you want to run Python directly, you can do so from the Terminal. This is a very powerful tool that can be used to quickly test out code snippets, run scripts, and even run entire Python programs.


This sessions assumes you are still inside the “/files/Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure/data/” folder. If you are not, navigate back to it.

  1. Start Python inside the Terminal:


    This will start a Python session – we also call it the Python interpreter. You will know you are inside Python because the prompt will change from $ to >>>.

    💡 Here, you are essentially running a different app and terminal commands will no longer work unless you exit the Python app.

  2. Create a random variable.

    You can now write any Python code you want. For example, you can create a variable and print it:

    x = 5
  3. Exit any time. To exit Python, type:


    and hit Enter. This will take you back to the Terminal.

    💡 Once on the Terminal you can only use Terminal commands, python commands will not work anymore. You are in a different app again.

  4. Python sessions are ephemeral. If you exit Python, you will lose all the variables you created. If you want to keep them, you need to write them to a file.

    Confirm that this is true by starting Python again and trying to print x as if it was still there:


    You will get an error because x is not defined. Variable x existed only in the Python session you created earlier.

  5. Read your JSON file into Python:

    Let’s do something more interesting. We will start Python, read the JSON file we fetched earlier and try to interact with it.

    We can’t just simply load files like we do with variables. We actually need to open and establish connection with the file. This is done with the open() function:

    file = open("london_forecast.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")

    If you try to print file, you will see that it is a file object but it doesn’t actually print the contents of the file. To do that, you need to read the file:

    content = file.read()

    This saves the content of the file into a variable called content. Now that you have done that, you can close the file:


    This is a good practice to do because it frees up the file for other applications to use. What if you wanted to open it on a separate Terminal window? Or on a text editor? Believe it or not, you can’t do that if the file is still open in Python.

  6. What is the data type of content? If you print content, you will see that it is a string. This should be a similar realisation to when we worked with the response object during the live demo of the 🗣️ W02 Lecture.

    Files are read as strings by default. If you want to work with it as a dictionary, you need to convert it to a Python dictionary. You could use eval like we did in the live demo, but the best practice is to use Python’s json library:

    import json
    weather_data = json.loads(content)

    This will print <class 'dict'>, which means that weather_data is now a dictionary. You can now do dictionary things with it:

  7. Always use the with statement when opening files.

    In previous steps above, I showed you the open() and close() functions just so you know what actually happens when you interact with files on a computer. You create a connection, do something with it (convert its 0s and 1s to a string, for example), and then close the connection.

    However, Python has a very nice feature that does this for you automatically. It’s called the with statement. It’s a bit more advanced, but it’s a good practice to use it because it makes your code cleaner and safer. Here’s how you would use it to read the file:

    with open("london_forecast.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        content = file.read()
        weather_data = json.loads(content)
    # The file is automatically closed when you exit the `with` block
    # And the `weather_data` variable is still available to you

    This will do the same thing as before, but it will automatically close the file for you when you are done with it. This is a good practice to use whenever you are working with files in Python.

    Notice one important thing about the code above: we used indentation to define the block of code that is inside the with statement. Everything ‘inside’ that with block is executed with the file open, and everything ‘outside’ is executed with after the file is closed. The good thing is that we don’t need to manage the file connection ourselves, Python does it for us.

Part 5: Transitioning to VS Code and Jupyter

Now that we’ve worked extensively in the Terminal, let’s organise everything we’ve learned in a Jupyter notebook. This will serve as your reference guide for these essential concepts.


  1. Exit the Terminal app entirely.

    If you are still inside the Python shell, type exit() to exit Python. Then, type exit to exit the Terminal. The Terminal app will close and you will be back in the Nuvolos environment.

  2. Launch VS Code on Nuvolos. On the Applications Tab Icon Applications tab on the left and click on the VS Code application.

  3. Open a Terminal inside VS Code:

    • Click on the Menu icon then navigate to Terminal > New Terminal.
    • Run ls, pwd, and cat to see that you can do the same things you did in the Nuvolos Terminal.
  4. Create a new Notebook:

    • Click on the Menu icon then navigate to File > New File.
    • Save the file as W03 - Study Notes.ipynb inside the Week 03 - File Formats and Directory Structure folder.
  5. Structure your notebook with these sections:

    # Week 03 - Study Notes
    ## Terminal Commands
    [Transfer your command notes here]
    ## Files and Directories
    [Include your game reflections and real-world connections]
    ## Editing Files in the Terminal
    [Document nano and cat usage]
    ## The Python Interpreter
    [Notes on Python in Terminal vs notebooks]
    ## Working with JSON
    ### Reading JSON Files
    [Document both methods with examples]
    ### Writing JSON Files
    [Include the dump() examples]

    👉🏻 Even though I’m showing the sections all together here, remember to split them into separate Markdown cells to make editing it easier for you.

  6. Under each section, transfer your notes from earlier parts of the exercise and add code examples from our Terminal work.

  7. Write code to read the JSON file:

    Under your ‘Reading JSON in Python’ section, write the code you used to read the JSON file that already exists in your data/ folder. This is the code you used to convert the JSON string to a Python dictionary.

    You will have to add the import json line at the top of your notebook (a cell below your big title) to make sure the json library is available to you.

    Use relative paths to access the file. This is a good practice because it makes your code more portable. If you ever move your code to a different computer, it will still work.

  8. Write code to collect and store the JSON data in a Python dictionary:

    Under your ‘Reading JSON in Python’ section, write the code to send a request to the Open-Meteo API.

    Use your creativity and try to collect different data from the API. You can use the same URL you used in the Terminal, or you can try to collect different data.

    Then, store the data in a Python dictionary, call it weather_data or something similar, and save it to a file in the data/ folder using the following code:

     with open("./data/collected_weather_data.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
          json.dump(weather_data, file)

    Notice the differences between the code above (where we are writing to a file) and the code you used to read the file. The w parameter in the open() function tells Python that you want to write to the file. The json.dump() function is used to write the Python dictionary to the file.

🎯 Why Does This Matter?

By completing this whole formative exercise, you’ve now mastered a crucial workflow for working with real-world data:

  1. Navigating and structuring files efficiently

  2. Fetching and saving data from APIs using curl (command-line) and Python (automated scripting).

  3. Understanding JSON structures and their role in APIs

  4. Transitioning seamlessly between Terminal and VS Code

👨🏻‍💻 Feedback

I will take a look at everyone’s Nuvolos environment on the day of the 🗣️ W03 Lecture (Thursday, 6 February 2025) to help me make my lecture more structured. I will be looking mostly at common mistakes/misconceptions as well as best practices I’ve seen and I will share them in the lecture without identifying any particular individual.

⏭️ What’s Next?

This is perhaps the most important exercise you have done so far. The Terminal commands and file handling will appear in every single exercise from now on.

In coming weeks, we will start working with tabular data (in files as well as in databases) and we will spend a lot of time working with files, reading and writing data, and transforming data from one format to another.