✅ Week 07 Lab Solutions


07 March 2025

Image representing data transformation and discovery themes.

The solution

Here you will find a solution to the 💻 W07 Lab:

Save it to your GitHub repo

Remember to keep practising your Git skills by adding this notebook to your own my-ds105w-notes repository.

If you followed the set up we recommended in the 💻 W07 Lab, you should be able to follow the steps below:

  1. Add this notebook to the Week 07... folder under your my-ds105w-notes folder on your Nuvolos file system.

  2. Add, commit and push the changes to your repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Add W07 Lab Notebook Solutions"
git push
  1. Visit your repository on GitHub and check that the notebook has been added and pushed.

If you have any questions about the solutions, please feel free to ask on Slack!