Squeaky’s Magical Guide to Git: A Forest Tale of Collaboration


13 October 2023

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a little squirrel named 🐿️ Squeaky. Squeaky had a special book filled with drawings and stories about the adventures he wanted to have. But there was a problem – his book was old and needed regular updates to stay exciting.

One sunny morning, Squeaky decided to make his book more magical. He had three magical tools:

Acorn Basket 🧺: This was like a treasure chest where he stored all his drawings and stories.

Magic Pencil ✏️: It could make changes to his book.

Enchanted Mushroom 🍄: It could send the changes to all his friends in the forest.

Squeaky’s friends included a wise old Owl, a cheerful Bunny, and a playful Chipmunk. They all wanted to help him make his book better. So, they gathered around and taught Squeaky the secret spell to update his book.

Step 1: Git Pull (The Acorn Basket 🧺)

Imagine Squeaky’s book was like a treasure map. But since many friends wanted to add their adventures, he needed to make sure he had the latest map. So, Squeaky used his Acorn Basket to gather everyone’s maps.

git pull” was like taking a peek inside the Acorn Basket to see if any new maps were there. If there were, he’d get them so he could have the most up-to-date map.

Step 2: Git Add (The Magic Pencil ✏️)

Squeaky would open his book and start drawing pictures or writing new stories. These changes made his book even more exciting. However, Squeaky knew he had to tell his Acorn Basket about the changes. He used his Magic Pencil to mark the pages he wanted to update.

git add” was like Squeaky using his Magic Pencil to tell the Acorn Basket, “Hey, I made these changes. Remember them!”

Step 3: Git Commit (Locking the Magic Pencil ✏️)

Once Squeaky was satisfied with his drawings and stories, he needed to lock his Magic Pencil to make sure no one else changed his book before he was ready. So, he turned the Magic Pencil into a rock with the words “Git Commit” on it.

git commit” was like saying, “I’m done with these changes, and they’re safe now.”

Step 4: Git Push (The Enchanted Mushroom 🍄)

Now that Squeaky had made his changes, he needed to share his updated book with all his friends. To do that, he used his Enchanted Mushroom, which could send his book to everyone in the forest.

git push” was like Squeaky giving the Enchanted Mushroom the message, “Take my book to all my friends so they can see the exciting changes.”

And that’s how Squeaky updated his magical book in the forest. With “git pull,” he got the latest map, “git add” and “git commit” helped him make his book more magical, and “Git Push” let him share his adventures with all his friends.

From that day on, Squeaky’s book was always filled with the most exciting stories and drawings, thanks to the magical Git spells.