Group Project Pitch Assessment (W11 Presentation)

Worth 10% of final course grade


09 December 2024

Assessment Overview

Your group will present a 3-5 minute pitch of your final project idea using a GitHub Pages website as visual support. The focus is on project planning and team coordination rather than data analysis.

Key Requirements:

  • Presentation must use GitHub Pages as visual aid
  • All team members must contribute to the presentation
  • Focus on project planning, not data analysis
  • Maximum 5 minutes presentation time

Marking Criteria (100 marks total)

Project Planning & Research Design (40 marks)

We won’t be too harsh. It’s very likely that most groups will get ‘Very Good’. The key is to show that you’ve thought through your project idea and have a clear plan for how to execute

Marks Level Description
35-40 Outstanding Exceptional research question(s), thoroughly justified data source choice with clear understanding of complexity. Realistic and well-structured project timeline.
30-34 Very Good Clear research direction, well-chosen data source with good justification. Sensible project scope and timeline.
25-29 Good Sound research concept and appropriate data source. Timeline needs some refinement.
20-24 Satisfactory Basic but viable research idea. Data source identified but justification needs development.
<20 Limited Unclear research direction or inappropriate data source choice. Timeline lacks detail.

Technical Feasibility (30 marks)

Again, I expect most groups to get ‘Very Good’ here. The key is to show that you’ve thought through the technical aspects of your project and your plan is realistic considering the 5 Feb deadline.

Marks Level Description
25-30 Outstanding Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of technical requirements, API limitations, and data processing needs. Clear backup plans identified.
20-24 Very Good Shows strong understanding of technical aspects with realistic implementation strategy.
15-19 Good Adequate technical understanding but some aspects need clarification.
<15 Limited Technical feasibility unclear or significant concerns unaddressed.

Team Coordination & Presentation (30 marks)

Once again, I expect most groups should get ‘Very Good’ here. The key is to show that you are a coordinated team. It must transpire that you are all working together and that you have a clear plan for how to execute the project.

Marks Level Description
25-30 Outstanding Professional GitHub Page with clear visual aids. Excellent presentation delivery with balanced team participation. Clear and realistic work distribution plan.
20-24 Very Good Well-designed GitHub Page, good presentation flow, and evidence of team coordination.
15-19 Good Functional GitHub Page and adequate presentation, but team dynamics could be stronger.
<15 Limited Basic GitHub Page or presentation. Unclear team coordination.

Presentation Requirements

To decide on the marks, we will be checking the following during your presentation:

Content Checklist

GitHub Page Guidelines

  • Keep text minimal - focus on visual aids
  • (optional) Consider including simple diagrams or flowcharts where helpful
  • (good practice) Ensure all team members are listed with their roles
  • (mandatory) Page must be live online and accessible during presentation

Remote Participation Note

If a team member cannot attend in person:

  • Pre-recorded video participation is acceptable
  • Video must integrate smoothly with live presentation, otherwise you lose marks on the team coordination section
  • Team must demonstrate effective coordination regardless of delivery method

Assessment Process

  • Groups receive a single mark (all members get the same grade)
  • Feedback will be provided via Moodle within 1 week
  • Technical issues with GitHub Pages should be reported before presentation day

Reminder: This presentation is about demonstrating your team’s ability to work together and plan effectively. While technical expertise is important, we’re more interested in seeing how you’ll collaborate and manage the project as a group.