πŸ“ W03 Summative

2023/24 Winter Term


22 January 2024

Welcome to your first summative assessment for this course! We hope you have enjoyed interacting with the cloud and are ready to put your skills to use. This summative consists of three parts and assesses your shell and cloud skills.

⚠️ Important things to know before you start

  1. You will need to access the cloud using the credentials provided by your class teacher during the πŸ’» Week 02 lab

  2. If you missed that class, message your #class-group-xx channel on Slack, and we will give you the instructions to access the cloud. You will have to review the material of πŸ’» Week 02 lab on your own.

    Please write to us as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have less time to complete your problem set.

  3. Your deadline is 30 January 2024, 5 pm UK time.

    • If you joined the course late, fill out the extension form and submit it to πŸ“§ .
    • We will not grant extensions to those who skipped πŸ’» Week 02 lab without a valid reason 1 2.
  4. We will score you on a scale of 0-100 points. You will see how much each task is right next to the tasks’ names.

  5. This assessment is worth 10% of your final grade.

  6. Read the instructions carefully and make sure you follow them.

P0: Only for you

This assignment has individual tasks for each student. You will find them in your home folder on the cloud machine.


  1. Access the cloud using the credentials you received during πŸ’» Week 02 lab

  2. Go to ~/summative1/your_instructions.md and follow the instructions there. This file contains your unique assignment.

  3. Submit all three .txt files to this page after you finish. (Moodle might rename them, but don’t worry about it).

Template Assignment

Here is a template assignment so you know what to expect from this summative. Your instructions might look different, but the tasks will be similar. All < > will be replaced by actual file names.

Click to see the template assignment
# Welcome to SUMMATIVE 1 of DS105W (2023/24)

These instructions are unique to you, {CANDIDATE_NUMBER}. Here is what you will have to do:

## Task 1 (40 points)

- Using the shell in the cloud, create a file at `~/summative1/task1/my_fav_social_media_channel.txt`

- Create any directories if needed.

- Still in the cloud shell, edit the file to add the title and the author of your favourite social media channel in the following way (ignore the backtick symbols):

   Social Media: TikTok

   Channel/Profile: @lisabevolving

   Don't forget to add the @ symbol!

- Still in the cloud shell, run the command below to save statistics about your file. Ignore the backtick symbols:

   stat ~/summative1/task1/my_fav_social_media_channel.txt >> ~/summative1/task1_submission.txt

- Download the file `task1_submission.txt` to your local machine. You will need to submit it to Moodle later.

## Task 2 (50 points)

- You will find a `dataset.csv` or `dataset.json` or even a `dataset.md` file under the directory `~/summative1/task2/`. 

- This dataset contains several records (also called rows, observations, etc.). One of them has your CANDIDATE NUMBER. **Without leaving the cloud shell**, locate this record and take note of the `Image Filename` associated with it.

- Now go to folder `~/summative1/task2/stable-diffusion-images` and locate the PNG file with the name indicated in the `Image Filename` you identified above.

- Copy the **file** of this image to your local machine

- This time, run the command below on your local machine (not the cloud). Replace <Image Filename> with the name of the image you copied to your local machine:

   stat <Image Filename> >> task2_submission.txt

- You will need to submit the file `task2_submission.txt` to Moodle later.

## Task 3 (10 points)

Could you prove that you did it by yourself?

- First, and this is important, terminate ALL cloud connections. Close all cloud terminals you might have opened.

- Now, start a new terminal window and connect to the cloud again. 

- Using the shell in the cloud, run the script below. Ignore the backtick symbols:

   /bin/bash ~/summative1/task3/echo_history.sh

- This will produce a file `~/summative1/task3_submission.txt`

- Copy this file to your local machine. You will need to submit it to Moodle later.

## Finish 
Submit everything to Moodle. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOUR DEADLINE. Late submissions will be [penalised](https://info.lse.ac.uk/current-students/services/assessment-and-results/exams/exam-discipline-and-academic-misconduct).
⚠️ We will cross-check the output of Task 3 with our server's access logs to confirm that you ran the commands and did not simply produce a bogus new file that mimics the expected submission files.


  1. You can find the list of valid reasons on LSE’s Extension Policy page.β†©οΈŽ

  2. If you do have a valid reason, please fill out the extension form and submit it to πŸ“§ before the deadline.β†©οΈŽ