Assessment & Feedback

2023/24 Autumn Term


Here is how you will be assessed in this course.


Your grade in this course consists of two main components:

  1. COURSEWORK (60%): This component includes three individual problem sets, each contributing to a different percentage of your final grade (10%, 20%, and 30%). You’ll need to submit these assignments via Moodle or GitHub Classroom, following the deadlines specified in the πŸ““ Syllabus.

  2. GROUP PROJECT (40%): This component involves a group presentation and the submission of a GitHub repository containing your code and data analysis. There will also be a formative presentation to help you prepare for the graded presentation. More details will be provided in due course.

πŸ“ Individual Problem Sets

We aim to provide feedback on your work within two weeks of the submission deadline (🀞).


Problem Set 01 β€” Shell Scripting
(Week 03)
πŸ”— Link

Click here to see the 🎯 Learning Objectives involved

  • Create terminal commands to effectively navigate the file system and execute programs


Problem Set 02 β€” Web Scraping
(Week 05)

Click here to see the 🎯 Learning Objectives involved

  • Analyse and categorize various data types and identify prevalent data formats
  • Use Markdown format proficiently for document and web page formatting
  • Interpret and adhere to international standards for common data types
  • Utilize GitHub, based on the git version control system for version control purposes
  • Use web scraping to retrieve data from Internet sources


Problem Set 03 β€” APIs
(Week 07)

Click here to see the 🎯 Learning Objectives involved

  • Analyse and categorize various data types and identify prevalent data formats
  • Use Markdown format proficiently for document and web page formatting
  • Interpret and adhere to international standards for common data types
  • Utilize GitHub, based on the git version control system** for version control purposes
  • Use web scraping and APIs to retrieve data from Internet sources

πŸ—£οΈ Group Presentations

You should get feedback on your presentations within a week of the presentation date.


Pitch of Group Project
(Week 08)

You will be asked to present:

  • which data sources you will use
  • the volume of data you aim to collect
  • how you plan to collect the data (e.g., web scraping, APIs, etc.)
  • the questions you aim to pose to the data

You will receive feedback on the feasibility of your project and the quality of your presentation.


Initial Exploratory Analysis
(Week 11)

Here we want to see what you managed to collect and analyse so far.

Your presentation will have to include:

  • a description of the data you collected and how you collected it
  • the challenges you faced in collecting the data
  • how you worked as a team to overcome these challenges
  • some preliminary insights and visualisations of the data
  • plans for the next steps (GitHub project board)

πŸŽ‡ Final Group Project

You should get feedback on your final project within three weeks of the submission deadline.


Submit your Final Project
(Winter Term)

We will review your group’s GitHub repository, evaluating the quality of your code and the effectiveness of your website in demonstrating your data analysis skills.

More details will be provided in due course.

Click here to see the 🎯 Learning Objectives involved

  • Demonstrate comprehension of database concepts and fundamentals
  • Combine and link data from disparate sources
  • Utilize GitHub, based on the git version control system, for collaborative and version control purposes
  • Use markdown to create reports of data analysis
  • Combine a mix of markdown, HTML and CSS to maintain and customise simple websites