π» Week 11 - Lab Roadmap (90 min)
DS202 - Data Science for Social Scientists
In our final lab of DS202, you will learn how to use quanteda, an R package for quantitative text analysis. We will do a bit more of data pre-processing, and you will have the chance to apply dimensionality reduction (e.g. PCA) and clustering (e.g. k-means) techniques to text data.
Setup (10 min)
New packages you will need to install
In the R Console β never in the RMarkdown β run the following commands:
Packages you will need
library(countrycode) # it contains data that will be useful to our preprocessing
library(tidyverse) # to use things like the pipe (%>%)
library(tidymodels) # for model tuning, cross-validation etc.
library(plotly) # for interactive charts
library(NbClust) # to assess an "optimal" number of clusters
# Vanity packages:
library(ggsci) # we like pretty colours
Step 1: The Data (10 min)
This dataset we are going to use today, Political Apologies across Cultures (PAC), was assembled by the Political Apologies x Cultures project. We downloaded it from their website, https://www.politicalapologies.com/.
The data consists of an inventory of political apologies offered by states or state representatives to a collective for human rights violations that happened in the recent or distant past.
The raw data
π― ACTION POINT: Before we even open it in R, take some time to look at the data in its raw format. Open the file PAC_Apologies_Public-Version-2-modified.xlsx
using MS Office.
What do you see? Which tabs and columns seem interesting?
your notes here
Create a df_pac
We can use the read_excel
function from the tidyverse package readxl
to read Excel spreadsheets:
df_pac ::read_excel("PAC_Apologies_Public-Version-2.xlsx",
readxlsheet=1, .name_repair="minimal") %>%
::mutate(`Date of apology`=lubridate::as_date(`Date of apology`)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(`Date of apology`)) dplyr
π‘ You might have noticed that I am using the explicit name of the functions (dplyr::mutate
instead of mutate
, etc.). In the Summative 02, many of you experienced problems running our code because you had other R packages with functions of the same name. So, to avoid any surprises, we will use the full name of functions in several places here. (Itβs also good as it helps to recognise where the functions come from).
Create an Apology ID
It might be good to have a column with a very short identifier of the apology. We are looking for a short version to identify who apologies to who and when, something like:
1947-03-04 USA -> MEX
π€ How would you do that when we do not have abbreviated country names? And how would you treat the cases of missing values in the Country (Receiver)
β οΈ For now, just believe me: it is possible, the code below deals precisely with that. BUT it is a bit much to digest this early in a lab, so for now letβs just run it and observe the output in the Apology ID
Later, as a π TAKE-HOME ACTIVITY:, try to understand every single step of the huge pipe below. Ask questions on Slack if you do not get any detail!
By the way, if you want to practice this kind of advanced pre-processing, you should consider taking our sister course, DS105!
# Preamble: function countrycode::countrycode() receives a country name and
# returns its abbreviated version. However, some countries' names in
# our data are not recognised by the function, so we need to treat these cases.
df_pac %>%
df_pac # Rename a few cases to match countrycode::countrycode() mapping
mutate(across(contains("Country "),
~ dplyr::case_when(. == "GDR" ~ "German Democratic Republic",
== "Antigua and Barbuda" ~ "Antigua & Barbuda",
. == "Phillipines" ~ "Philipines",
. TRUE ~ .))) %>%
# We don't need these columns
select(-contains("Database "),-contains("Source ")) %>%
# If the iso3c abbreviation standard does not work, use the p4c
# If nothing else works, keep
~ if_else(is.na(countrycode::countrycode(.,
.names="{.col} (abbr.)")) %>%
# If the above did not encounter any valid abbreviation (it is na),
# we can still extract the receiver of the apology from the `Parties involved` column
# For this, I need to use function str_split but because this function is
# not vectorized, I had to get creative...
mutate(`Country (Receiver) (abbr.)`=coalesce(`Country (Receiver) (abbr.)`,
sapply(`Parties involved`,
::str_split(x, " to ") %>%
stringr::map(2) %>%
purrrsubstr(1,13)} ))) %>%
# This is just to put these abbreviations together.
# If the data had already come clean, this would be the only step we would need!
mutate(`Apology ID` = paste(df_pac$`Date of apology`,
`Country (sender) (abbr.)`, "->", `Country (Receiver) (abbr.)`, sep=" "))
Now look at that beautiful Apology ID
column. Satisfying? Yes. Worth it? β¦
%>% select(`Apology ID`) %>% head(n=10) df_pac
Step 2: Summarising text data (25 min)
Step 2.1: Of corpuses and tokens
The first step when performing quantitative text analysis is to create a corpus
<- quanteda::corpus(df_pac, text_field="Description according to database")
corp_pac ::docnames(corp_pac) <- df_pac$`Apology ID`
Once you have constructed this corpus, use the summary() method to see a brief description of the corpus.
<- summary(corp_pac)
head(df_corpus, n=5)
<- (
g ggplot(df_corpus, aes(x=Tokens))
+ geom_bar()
+ theme_minimal()
+ labs(x="Number of Tokens",
title="How many tokens are there in the Description of Apology?")
In order to count word frequencies, we first need to split the text into words (or longer phrases) through a process known as tokenization:
# This function extracts the tokens
<- quanteda::tokens(corp_pac)
tokens_pac tokens_pac
1]] # to look at just the first one tokens_pac[[
Step 2.2: Document-Frequency Matrix (dfm
Now, letβs summarise the tokens in our corpus. We use the document-frequency matrix to create, as the name implies, a matrix that contains the number of times a token appears in a document.
<- quanteda::dfm(tokens_pac)
dfm_pac dfm_pac
We can convert dfm_pac
to a dataframe if we like:
<- quanteda::convert(dfm_pac, to="data.frame")
dfm_as_data_frame dim(dfm_as_data_frame)
π― ACTION POINT Look at the dataframe that represents the document-frequency matrix with either View(dfm_as_data_frame)
or head(dfm_as_data_frame)
π£οΈ CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS: What do you think all of these columns represent?
Top features
What are the most frequent tokens?
%>% quanteda::topfeatures() dfm_pac
It is fun to look at wordclouds:
::textplot_wordcloud(dfm_pac) quanteda.textplots
π£οΈ CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS: Do you think these most frequent terms are useful in helping us understand the political apologies? Would you remove certain tokens?
Have you heard of the term βstop wordsβ before? Ask your class teacher about this! Quanteda has a built-in list of commonly used stop words, view it by running the function quanteda::stopwords("en")
Step 2.3: Keywords In Context (kwic
Before we revisit our tokens, letβs take a look at an interesting feature of quanteda
. We can search for a pattern (a keyword) in our corpus and see the text that surrounds it using the kwic
π― ACTION POINT: Use kwic
to search for keywords associated with different forms of explicit description of apologies:
::kwic(tokens_pac %>% head(n=10), pattern="apolog*") quanteda
π£οΈ CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS: What do you think the *
in the pattern="apolog*"
parameter does?
The above is an example of a regular expression (regex), a language just for expressing patterns of strings. You can read more about regex in Chapter 14 of R for Data Science book
Step 3: Pre-processing (30 min)
Letβs try to make this data more interesting for further analysis. Here we will:
- use the power of
to try to extract just the object of the apology - build a new corpus out of this new subset of text data
- remove unnecessary tokens (stop words + punctuation)
Step 3.1. Extract the object of the apology
The output of kwic
can be converted to a dataframe. Letβs look at that same sample again, only this time we increased the window
of tokens that show up before and after the keyword:
::kwic(tokens_pac %>% head(n=10), pattern="apolog*", window=40) %>% as.data.frame() quanteda
The info we care about the most is the column post
A different pattern
This is good but there is a downside to the keyword we used. Not all entries have the term apolog*
in their description. We will have to use a more complex pattern:
df_new ::kwic(tokens_pac,
window=40) %>%
We seemed to have lost some documents. The original document has 367 rows.
π― ACTION POINT: Take a look at View(df_new)
Handling duplicates
Some rows are repeated because of multiple pattern matches in the same text:
%>% group_by(docname) %>% filter(n() > 1) df_new
Here is how we are going to deal with these duplicates: letβs keep just the one with the longest post
text. This is equivalent to selecting the one with earliest from
value in the dataframe above.
<- df_new %>% arrange(from) %>% group_by(docname) %>% slice(1)
df_new dim(df_new)
Note: This is a choice, there is no absolute objective way to handle this case. Would you do anything differently?
π TAKE-HOME (OPTIONAL) ACTIVITY: We used to have 367 rows, now we have 327. How would you change the pattern
so as to avoid excluding data from the original dataframe? (Note: I do not have a ready solution to this! Feel free to share yours.)
Step 3.2. Rebuild the corpus, tokens and dfm
A new corpus
<- quanteda::corpus(df_new, text_field="post", docid_field="docname")
Get rid of unnecessary tokens
tokens_pac # Get rid of punctuations
::tokens(corp_pac, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
# Get rid of stopwords
::tokens_remove(pattern = quanteda::stopwords("en"))
quanteda tokens_pac
Document-Term Matrix
<- quanteda::dfm(tokens_pac)
dfm_pac ::textplot_wordcloud(dfm_pac) quanteda.textplots
<- quanteda::convert(dfm_pac, to="data.frame")
df_word_frequency dim(df_word_frequency)
π£οΈ CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS: What do you think of the wordcloud above, compared to the previous one? How would it be different if we had removed unnecessary tokens but kept the original longer description?
Step 4. Dimensionality Reduction + Clustering
Instead of running k-means or any other clustering algorithm on the full dfm, letβs reduce the number of features of our dataset. This would save storage and make the process run faster.
Step 4.1 PCA + k-means
Can PCA be of any help for this dataset?
# Code adapted from W10 lab
pca_recipe recipe(~ ., data = df_word_frequency) %>%
update_role(doc_id, new_role="id") %>%
step_normalize(all_predictors()) %>%
<- prep(pca_recipe)
# Add PC1 & PC2 to `df_lsa`
<- bake(pca_prep, df_word_frequency) df_pca
Visualise it
plot_ly(data = bind_cols(df_pca, df_new),
x = ~PC1,
y = ~PC2,
text=~paste('Doc ID:', doc_id, '\nDescription:\n', post))
π£οΈ CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS: What would you say? How many clusters are in there?
A method to determine the number of clusters
Here is a more robust alternative to an elbow plot for deciding the number of clusters:
<- df_pca %>% select(PC1, PC2) %>%
res.nbclust scale() %>%
NbClust(distance = "manhattan",
min.nc = 2, max.nc = 10,
method = "complete", index ="all")
The indices have voted! The majority believe k=3.
Can K-means identify the 3 clusters?
<- kmeans(df_pca %>% select(PC1, PC2), centers=3)
model <- parsnip::augment(model, df_pca) df_pca
plot_ly(data = bind_cols(df_pca, df_new),
x = ~PC1,
y = ~PC2,
color = ~.cluster,
text=~paste('Doc ID:', doc_id, '\nDescription:\n', post))
Those clusters are very awkwardβ¦
But at least it highlights two outliers:
bind_cols(df_pca, df_new) %>% filter(.cluster != 2)
Step 4.2. Latent Sentiment Analysis + k-means
Letβs try an alternative dimensionality reduction technique called Latent Sentiment Analysis (LSA), and letβs keep just 2 dimensions:
<- quanteda.textmodels::textmodel_lsa(dfm_pac, nd=2)$docs %>% as.data.frame()
plot_ly(data = bind_cols(df_lsa, df_new),
x = ~V1,
y = ~V2,
text=~paste('Doc ID:', docname, '\nDescription:\n', post))
This seems to make more sense, right?
How many clusters are there?
<- df_lsa %>% select(V1, V2) %>%
res.nbclust scale() %>%
NbClust(distance = "manhattan",
min.nc = 2, max.nc = 10,
method = "complete", index ="all")
Can K-means identify the 3 clusters?
<- kmeans(df_lsa %>% select(V1, V2), centers=3)
model <- parsnip::augment(model, df_lsa) df_lsa
plot_ly(data = bind_cols(df_lsa, df_new),
x = ~V1,
y = ~V2,
color = ~.cluster,
text=~paste('Doc ID:', docname, '\nDescription:\n', post))
Bad K-means! Letβs try k=7, the second best voted number of clusters:
<- kmeans(df_lsa %>% select(V1, V2), centers=7)
model <- parsnip::augment(model, df_lsa)
plot_ly(data = bind_cols(df_lsa, df_new),
x = ~V1,
y = ~V2,
color = ~.cluster,
text=~paste('Doc ID:', docname, '\nDescription:\n', post))
Step 4.3 Describe the clusters
Which words best describe the clusters?
We can use the concept of keyness
to score words in relation to a target vs a reference group. Read more about keyness here.
<- textstat_keyness(dfm_pac, target = df_lsa$.cluster == 4)
tstat_key textplot_keyness(tstat_key, labelsize=2)
Plot a wordcloud with just the target group:
::textplot_wordcloud(tstat_key, comparison=FALSE, min_count=1) quanteda.textplots
Wordcloud to compare target vs reference:
::textplot_wordcloud(tstat_key, comparison=TRUE, min_count=1) quanteda.textplots
Step 4.4. Alternative strategies
Topic modeling instead of k-means
<- topicmodels::LDA(dfm_pac, k = 7)
## What is in each topic?
%>% topicmodels::terms(4) tmod_lda
Assign each row to a topic:
"topic"] <- tmod_lda %>% topicmodels::topics() %>% as.factor()
df_lsa[%>% count(topic) %>% arrange(desc(n)) df_lsa
Because topicmodeling runs directly on dfm
, it does not recognise nor does it match PCA or LSA coordinates:
plot_ly(data = bind_cols(df_lsa, df_new),
x = ~V1,
y = ~V2,
color = ~topic,
text=~paste('Doc ID:', docname, '\nDescription:\n', post))
<- textstat_keyness(dfm_pac, target = df_lsa$topic == 3)
tstat_key textplot_keyness(tstat_key, labelsize=2)
Think about it:
We have experimented with a lot of different things. Which topic/clustering/spatial representation makes more sense to you?
Why not try exploring the data with different clustering algorithms? Take a look at this link for code samples of hierarchical clustering and this one for DBSCAN.
You can also try finding alternative R packages that implements other clustering algorithms shown in Pythonβs sklearn package.