πŸ—“οΈ Week 03 - Classifiers

DS202 - Data Science for Social Scientists


15 September 2022

On πŸ—“οΈ Week 02, we learned how to make predictions about numerical variables. But what if you wanted to predict whether someone will perform an action (a Yes or No question)? Or, say, you were interested in assessing how the risk of fraud increases depending on the behaviour of a customer? These problems can be modelled using classifiers, a type of supervised learning.

This week, we will explore two classifier algorithms: the Logistic Regression and the Naive Bayes classifiers. We will learn how those methods relate (or not) to linear regression, and how to interpret its results. You will also meet a few new metrics and will learn of new ways to assess the β€˜accuracy’ of models. These metrics will be incrediblly important on Week 04!

Join the lecture 14 October 2022 2pm at NAB LG.01 (Wolfson Theatre).