βœ”οΈ Week 07 - Lab Solutions

DS202 - Data Science for Social Scientists


Dr. Stuart Bramwell/Dr. Jon Cardoso-Silva


07 November 2022

This lab session draws on πŸ—“οΈ Week 05 lecture content and on feedback given by the course representatives about the main struggles you are facing with R (tidyverse).

If you are already very familiar with tidyverse, you can skip to Step 2.

R packages you will need:


You might have already installed some of these packages. Some were used in πŸ—“οΈ Week 05 slides, others in previous labs. If you see an error like β€œpackage not found”, then install the package using install.packages("<package name>").

Installation instructions for parttree

The package parttree cannot be installed by install.packages. Instead, we have to follow the instructions set by the developers of the package:

remotes::install_github("grantmcdermott/parttree", force = TRUE)

βœ”οΈ Take-home exercises (Solutions)

The following exercises were designed as natural extension of the concepts you learned about in this lab session. Reserve some time later to solve this at home, we will release solutions at the end of the week after everyone has had a chance to attend a lab session.

Q1: Selecting columns

Using the Bikeshare data set present in ISLR2 subset the data to only include mnth, holiday, and bikers columns.

Bikeshare %>% select(mnth, holiday, bikers) %>% head()
  mnth holiday bikers
1  Jan       0     16
2  Jan       0     40
3  Jan       0     32
4  Jan       0     13
5  Jan       0      1
6  Jan       0      1

Q2: A new tidyverse verb

Using the Auto data set present in ISLR2, replicate Step 1.3, only this time replace filter(origin == 1) with group_by(origin). How have the results changed?

Auto %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  select(mpg, origin) %>% 
  mutate(mpg_gt_gavg = if_else(mpg > mean(mpg), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% 
  group_by(origin) %>% 
  summarise(prop_mpg_gt_gavg = mean(mpg_gt_gavg))
# A tibble: 3 Γ— 2
  origin prop_mpg_gt_gavg
   <int>            <dbl>
1      1            0.269
2      2            0.75 
3      3            0.873

A: Instead of looking just at the origin=1, we have now summarized the data and computed prop_mpg_gt_gavg (Proportion of samples for which mpg is greater than average) for each unique value of origin.

Q3: Exploratory Data Analysis (Part I)

Calculate the average daily number of bikers in March, in the Bikeshare data set.

Thanks to @ZoΓ© Vanhersecke for spotting a bug in an earlier version of this solution

Bikeshare %>%
  filter(mnth == "March") %>%
  group_by(day) %>%
  summarize(mean_bikers = mean(bikers)) %>%
  summarize(mean_daily_bikers = mean(mean_bikers))
# A tibble: 1 Γ— 1
1              87.6

Q4: Exploratory Data Analysis (Part II0

Do people bike more during holiday seasons?

Bikeshare %>% 
  group_by(holiday, day) %>% 
  summarise(daily_bikers=n()) %>%
# A tibble: 2 Γ— 3
  holiday mean_daily_bikers std_daily_bikers
    <dbl>             <dbl>            <dbl>
1       0              23.7            1.32 
2       1              23.9            0.316

Just by summarising the data, it’s not really possible to say. On average, the mean number of daily bikers seems to be about the same, just with a smaller standard deviation.

Q5: Back to penguins…

Let’s go back to the penguins data set. Create a new dataframe that omits missing values (NAs), remove the island and year columns but keep the rest of the dataset intact (don’t create new columns).

new_penguins <- 
  penguins %>% 
  select(-c(island, year))
# A tibble: 344 Γ— 6
   species bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex   
   <fct>            <dbl>         <dbl>             <int>       <int> <fct> 
 1 Adelie            39.1          18.7               181        3750 male  
 2 Adelie            39.5          17.4               186        3800 female
 3 Adelie            40.3          18                 195        3250 female
 4 Adelie            NA            NA                  NA          NA <NA>  
 5 Adelie            36.7          19.3               193        3450 female
 6 Adelie            39.3          20.6               190        3650 male  
 7 Adelie            38.9          17.8               181        3625 female
 8 Adelie            39.2          19.6               195        4675 male  
 9 Adelie            34.1          18.1               193        3475 <NA>  
10 Adelie            42            20.2               190        4250 <NA>  
# … with 334 more rows

Q6. Predict Penguin species

Build a Decision Tree model to predict the species of penguins. Note that the outcome will not be a binary variable this time.


tree.model <- rpart(species ~ ., data = new_penguins, method = 'class')


Note that we three different proportions in the middle of the nodes now (instead of just one). Each represent the proportion of penguins of a specific specie.

For example, the left-most leaf node shows: 0.97 0.03 0.00. That means: 97% of the samples that fall into that part of the decision tree are of the Adelie species, 3% are of the Chinstrap species and 0% are of the Gentoo species.

How do we know the order of the species represented by these numbers? Check the levels of the column species (which is a column of the type factor). For more on factors read: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/factors.html

[1] "Adelie"    "Chinstrap" "Gentoo"   

The video below explains how to read the numbers inside the nodes of the decision tree

Q7. Control parameters

The decision tree algorithm we are using sets the cost complexity parameter (cp) by default as control = list(cp = 0.01). Build a new model with a smaller cp value, say control = list(cp = 0.001). Does this increase or reduce the complexity of the tree?

A smaller cp parameter would force the decision tree to try to find a more complex model (more branches) if that leads to a better overall model. (If you want to understand how the rpart method chooses to make the splits and branches of the tree, type ?rpart in the console and read the section about method).

It turns out that nothing will make this model more complex! Even if you set a very low cp, the tree stays the same:


tree.model <- rpart(species ~ ., data = new_penguins, method = 'class', control=list(cp=0.00000000000001))


On the other hand, it is possible to simplify the tree (fewer branches) if we increase cp parameter:


tree.model <- rpart(species ~ ., data = new_penguins, method = 'class', control=list(cp=0.4))


It all depends on what we care about and which metrics we will use to assess this model and we plan to use the model later on. But it looks like the above will underfit the data: one of the species is not even represented there.