πŸ”– Week 01 - Appendix

DS202 - Data Science for Social Scientists


05 September 2022

Indicative Reading

This week’s indicative reading: (James et al. 2021, chaps. 2, 2.1–2.2)


Need to recap probability and statistics concepts? Check the suggested readings below:

LSE Digital Skills Lab

LSE Digital Skills Lab offers R and python workshops during Term time and they will also give DSI students access to self-paced programming courses via Dataquest.

Follow the links below to take the pre-sessional self-paced courses:

Also, keep an eye on the following pages for news of the in-person workshops:

Other resources

  • Checkout this summer’s LSE Careers Skill Accelerator programme. Some of the self-paced courses will remain open to LSE students until the end of the year.
  • The book R for Data Science is free to read online and is a great resource to advance your R skills.


Gelman, Andrew, Jennifer Hill, and Aki Vehtari. 2020. Regression and Other Stories. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781139161879.
James, Gareth, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. 2021. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R. Second edition. Springer Texts in Statistics. New York NY: Springer. https://www.statlearning.com/.
Molnar, Christoph. 2022. Modeling Mindsets. 1st ed. Leanpub. https://book.modeling-mindsets.com/.
Warne, Russell T. 2018. Statistics for the Social Sciences: A General Linear Model Approach. https://www.cambridge.org/highereducation/books/statistics-for-the-social-sciences/716FF25785A6154CC6822D067A959445.