๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Week 08 - Machine Learning II

2023/24 Winter Term


The formative essay has now been released! Please check this page for details. The submission deadline is March 15th.

This week, we continue exploring machine learning and will talk a second family of techniques within it: unsupervised learning.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿซ Lecture Slides

Either click on the slide area below or click here to view it in fullscreen. Use your keypad to navigate the slides. You can also find a PDF version on Moodle.

๐ŸŽฅ Looking for lecture recordings? You can only find those on Moodle.

๐Ÿ“Ÿ Communication

  • Post your reflections, questions, and links on Slack.

๐Ÿ“ Preparation for this weekโ€™s class

In your class group, you will be separated in groups of 3 (check Moodle and/or Slack for the announcement).

Each member of the group is assigned an article out of the following three articles to read and review:

The question each group member is trying to respond to (separately!) is the following:

  • if you had been one of the original peer reviewers, would you have accepted or rejected the article you were assigned for review? On what grounds?

Group members can consult the resources on logical fallacies available here or have a look at the List 1 table on cognitive biases from (Croskerry 2003) to help with preparing their review. Group members can discuss logical fallacies and cognitive biases among themselves or share tips on how to do/write a review between themselves but not the articles they have been assigned and prepare their reviews independently of each other. This page and this page provide some guidance on how to review an article and this page shows some examples of reviews.

Bring the reviews you have prepared to the class on Friday (Mar 8th).


Croskerry, Pat. 2003. โ€œThe Importance of Cognitive Errors in Diagnosis and Strategies to Minimize Them.โ€ Academic Medicine 78 (8): 775โ€“80. https://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/fulltext/2003/08000/the_importance_of_cognitive_errors_in_diagnosis.3.aspx.