******REPLICATION FILE FOR The Rise and Fall of Paper Money in Yuan China, 1260–1368****** *Hanhui Guan, Nuno Palma, and Meng Wu forthcoming at Economic History Review. *Coded with STATA 17 SE ************************************************************************************************************************************************ *The package consists of 1 dataset and 1 stata do-file. The dataset contains the following variables: year, emperor number (emperor), emperor name (emperorname), number of disasters (disaster), nominal imperial grants (nomgrants), external warfare (external), unification warfare (unification), rebellion (rebellion), nominal money issues (nominal), total warfare (totalwar), population (pop), and price index (cpi). Steps to generate the paper results: 1) Open "replication.do" with STATA and execute the file. 2) The file will generate some additional files necessary to obtain our results included in the paper.