DS101 – Fundamentals of Data Science
30 Jan 2023
The mental skills and practices related to the following aspects of computing:
1️⃣ Designing computations that get computers to do the jobs for us
2️⃣ Explaining and interpreting the world as a complex information process
We usually have to think like computers to design the proper computations for the job.
We can use computers to create models of the world.
Let us look at a simple, old example of a computational model for urban segregation (McCown 2014) ➡️
Today our focus is on the first aspect:
1️⃣ Designing computations that get computers to do the jobs for us
2️⃣ Explaining and interpreting the world as a complex information process
Recipes for computers
Problem Definition:
Whenever I receive a list of numbers, I want to ensure this list is ordered.
[10, 20, 30, 23, 50]
[10, 20, 23, 30, 50]
How would you solve it❓
Pair up with a neighbour to come up with a recipe that solves the problem, regardless of the list size.
Test that your recipe works for the following list:
[237, 153, 311, 33, 854, 212, 368, 356, 100, 892, 805, 755]
After the break:
(no slides, all live demos)
LSE DS101 2022/23 Lent Term (archive)